Corporate Social Responsibility
L’Opéra in association with Inside Me
India is home to one of the largest populations of visually impaired (specially abled) children. Of the 1.6 million children, that are blind or visually impaired, about 90% belong to low income groups or live below the poverty line. According to the National Programme for Control of Blindness (NPCB), only about 30% of the blind children are part of the formal education system. This grim situation raises the question about the basic issue of survival and dignified livelihood of specially abled students.
Inside Me is a unique initiative that aims at skilling, training & developing specially abled students with the ability to create beautiful artworks that could be monetised via different commercial platforms, auctions and art exhibitions so that the students can realise their earning potential and live a self-sustaining and dignified life.
The project aims to training the specially abled students aged 8 to 18 years in the field of Arts, along with their ongoing school education and develop their drawing and artistic capabilities to a level where their artwork is fully monetisable. The income thus generated, shall by the sale of artifacts, be transferred to the individual accounts of the artists thereby ensuring his/her financial self-sustenance.